Cashbook is Built on a Rock Solid Foundation Through Superior Architecture |
Winacct Server controls the database access
performed by all PereSoft’s Windows products.
Designed using Microsoft’s latest COM technology for
future platform technology will be immediately compatible with Winacct Server. Cashbook offers you all the tools and
technologies necessary to customise your own Cashbook solution. From simple desktop personalisations to user-specific language support and screen modifications, Cashbook adapts to the way you
do business. instant access, automatic login and enhanced data throughput, Utilising Sage 300's XAPI COM Object, reading and writing to and from Sage 300 data is performed using Sage 300's views. Data integrity is ensured and the interface setup is reduced to a bare minimum. Data access to Cashbook's files and SQL or Db2 database is enhanced using the latest ADO and OLEDB technology from Microsoft.
Cashbook offers you all the tools and technologiesnecessary to customise your own
Cashbook solution. From simple desktop personalisations to user-specific language support and screen modifications, Cashbook adapts to the way you
do business.

Superior Technology Ensures Adaptability.
Cashbook for Windows is a solution designed with worldclasstechnology, it’s sophisticated object-orientated
architecture makes it quickly adaptable to existing and
emerging applications, operating systems, databases,
and user interfaces. It also increases processing
flexibility and efficiency, and grows with you as your
business needs evolve. The Cashbook for Windows
product range includes Cashbook Enterprise,
Corporate, Small Business and Discovery Editions all
built from the same superior technology. Our
comprehensive Investment Protection Plan allows you
to upgrade from one edition to the next as your
business requirements grow. Your data transfers
seamlessly without downtime. There is no costly
retraining - all product lines share the same interface
and foundation. Cashbook’s increased automation
and integration, decreases processing time and allows
you the free time to do strategic data analysis that will
enable you to make informed financial decisions.